
2015-11-14     <<返回首页


据台湾“今日新闻”消息,周杰伦与《青蜂侠》导演米歇尔·冈瑞,为美国广播公司节目《Jimmy Kimmel Live》拍摄外景。在好莱坞大道上,周杰伦一首弹电子琴,一首拿着按了会发出声音的玩偶;米歇尔·冈瑞则化身爵士鼓手,与周杰伦搭配表演。
在工作人员拍摄的影片中,许多好奇民众停下来观看,拿起相机拍照,并跟着节奏拍手,最后还来个大合唱。而影片片尾注明周杰伦自弹自唱的是《Mack a Roni》,出自《青蜂侠》原声带,与日前电影公司和唱片公司表示不出原声带的消息不同,让粉丝又燃起一丝希望。
周杰伦在美国街头弹唱的《make a roni》歌词:
Yankee Doodle
Yankee Doodle went to town
A-riding on a pony
Stuck a feather in his hat
And called it macaroni
Yankee Doodle, keep it up
Yankee Doodle, Dandy
Mind the music and the step
And with the girls be handy
Father and I went down to camp
Along with Captain Goodwin
There were the men and boys
As thick as hasty puddin'
Yankee Doodle, keep it up
Yankee Doodle, Dandy

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